Sophia is the youngest of 13 children and her mother died when she was just 3 months old. Her oldest sister was barely 13 and was thrust into the role of caregiver for the younger children while working in the cotton fields of rural Mississippi and attending school whenever she could. Sophia’s father was a gambler and when he was unable to pay his gambling debts, he used his own daughters as payment.
After her mother’s death, her father sent her, an older sister, and brother to live with his sister. Sophia was molested by her aunt’s husband as a regular way of life from kindergarten to the age of 13. Deep in her spirit she knew it wasn’t right, “but I didn’t trust my intuition. I believed my uncle when he would tell me it was okay. He convinced me to trust him. He started by having me ride with him to take my aunt to work and after dropping her off he would molest me and take me to the store for candy. That was my life. To me it was normal.”
Ultimately the truth of the molestation was revealed. The court process decreed that either the children or the child molester leave the home. The aunt kept her man, (the predator who loved having sex with children) and she abandoned the molested child sending 13-year-old Sophia, and her siblings to live with her father’s brother and his wife. Shortly afterwards Sophia’s 18-year-old sister got married and she took in 13-year-old Sophia and two other siblings. This became too much for the newly married couple, and Sophia went to live with yet another sister in Chicago.
Sophia recalls, “I was a sheep being led to the slaughter. I was as green and gullible as all out doors. From Mississippi to the projects of Chicago, I was a target. Shortly after arriving in Chicago, I was sent to spend the summer with an adult cousin and was molested again. This is all I ever knew. Being molested was the only thing that was constant in my young life. Everything else changed but men having sex with me as a child was always there. Every decision I ever made was shaped by these experiences. When I was taken out of the home, there were no counselors, no one said this was wrong. I just moved on to the next house.”
Just prior to her 14th birthday, Sophia was sent to Indiana to live with the sister who took care of her as a toddler. She enrolled in High School. It was the worst experience of her life. She was the new kid, the boys wanted her and told stories about her that were not true. The girls hated her, they jumped her and beat on her because of the lies the boys told. She skipped school rather than endure this ridicule. She started smoking pot and shoplifting.
Before age 15 she had been in juvenile detention 3 times for skipping school and stealing. The second time she got released from juvenile she was placed in a group home for girls. “There was a church across the street. The home has been torn down, but the Church is still there. I remember the pastor and his wife. They were kind to me. Going to church was my escape.”
Whenever things went wrong in the group home, she was usually accused of it. She remembers one Sunday morning, “One of the girls was missing a pair of hose. She was ranting and raving and everyone was afraid, because she was a spoiled brat and a bully.” Sophia went to church that morning and when she returned, she was accused of stealing the pantyhose.
She was tired of being lied about. She was not surprised by the other girls as they were afraid of being bullied. But she was painfully disappointed that the houseparent, someone that she respected dearly, did not believe her. “The hurt and disappointment in my houseparent’s eyes were unbearable and I ran away.”
After several months of homelessness, Sophia returned to juvenile detention. Upon her third discharge from juvenile detention, she was placed in Pleasant Run Children’s Home where she stayed from age 15-18. This saved Sophia’s life.
Pleasant Run was her salvation. For the first time she had stability and for three years she was not molested. Her house-mother helped her with a book report and her teacher spoke powerful prophetic words to Sophia in praise. “Sophia, this is an excellent report. I will not be surprised when you grow up to be a famous author.”
Sophia can count on one hand the people who poured into her and encouraged her. She recalls two positive outpourings from her youth. In Mississippi, she spent her days at her cousins’ house reading books. Their mother gave them books of every kind to read. She was praised once in high school by her English teacher for writing an outstanding book report.
Although she struggled in high school, she is a published author of three books and her command of the written word is excellent. She was mentored and truly felt cared about by the staff at Pleasant Run Children’s Home. Sophia dedicated her first book to her English teacher and her housemother, even though she had no idea where they were or even if they were still living, but their impact was felt for a lifetime. Never underestimate the power of sowing into the life of a young person. One small act of interest and inspiration can make a significant positive difference. Sophia is a living example.
For three years Sophia was sheltered and protected from sexual predators. She had structure and with hard work and encouragement graduated from High School. Despite the success of the prior three years, she was approaching emancipation. She was not prepared for independence. She lacked emotional maturity, social skills, financial education, and more importantly self-esteem, confidence, and a realistic outlook on life. “I enrolled in college believing that I could live off student loans and work study. That lasted for about two semesters, and I found myself homeless again.”
Sophia contacted a former staff at Pleasant Run Children’s Home asking for his help to get back to Chicago. He was driving to Gary to visit his son and he agreed to take her to Chicago. “I arrived in Chicago in March. By June I was married at age 19. My husband turned out to be a pimp. He forced me into sex trafficking.”
Later in life Sophia returned to school and earned a bachelor’s in organizational leadership. She is a living, breathing example of the life-changing results that come from God’s power and love. She is a minister, best-selling author, and certified life coach. She is happily married to the man of her dreams and is living a life she absolutely loves.
Kathleen Sophia Coleman’s mission is to build a fully accredited live in Arts Academy for inner city girls that have experienced the foster care, social services, or juvenile justice system. Kathleen commits twenty percent of the proceeds from her book sales, coaching, and speaking engagement to Sophia’s Hope. Join her now in making a difference.
I do not want any child to ever experience the life I did as a result of things out of their control. Children who are emancipated from the state need additional care, mentoring, training and preparation for independent living. We need to start as early as possible to reach out to them, to build them up, to instill confidence, and self-value. We need to provide every opportunity to strengthen and encourage them in their area of giftedness. Allowing them opportunity to experience the arts has proven to have a positive impact on youth development, building self-esteem, teamwork and motivation while inspiring growth and awaking potential for maximum fulfillment of their call and purpose.
Kathleen Sophia Coleman’s mission is to build a fully accredited live-in Arts Academy for inner city girls who have experienced the foster care, social services, or juvenile justice system. Kathleen commits twenty percent of the proceeds from her book sales, coaching, and speaking engagement to Sophia’s Hope. Join her now in making a difference.
I do not want any child to ever experience the life I did as a result of things out of their control. Children who are emancipated from the state need additional care, mentoring, training and preparation for independent living. We need to start as early as possible to reach out to them, to build them up, to instill confidence, and self-value. We need to provide every opportunity to strengthen and encourage them in their area of giftedness. Allowing them opportunity to experience the arts has proven to have a positive impact on youth development, building self-esteem, teamwork and motivation while inspiring growth and awaking potential for maximum fulfillment of their call and purpose.
It’s been a long time. I don’t know why this has happened or what took so long for it to happen. More than 50 years. I suppose the timing was divinely calculated. In hind sight I realize that it was inevitable. Although I’m caught off guard, I understand how significant the timing is. Clearly you are the answer to my prayer.
None-the-less I am stunned to see you. Shocked, that for so long I never once thought of you. How easily I discarded you. I never considered your pain. Your sorrow. Your confusion. Nothing about you mattered to me.
And why should it? You didn’t matter to anyone else. I simply followed the lead of all the responsible adults around me. After all, we were just kids. Life goes on and I had to grow up, with or without you. I figured that since you weren’t important to anyone else, you were of no value to me. I did what all the important people in my life did. I swept you under the rug and totally forgot about you.
I’ve gotten older but you’re still a little girl. I grew up. And you, despite the rug designed to suffocate you, grew stronger. I’m not surprised, you were always the strong one.
The day I prayed for passion God opened my eyes and my heart. He showed me you. I acknowledged your pain. For the first time in my life, I cried for you. I cried not only for what you went through, but that it was never acknowledged or dealt with. I cried for your resilience. I cried because I am proud of you. I cried because I forgot that I loved you. I have missed you. You are my passion and you give me hope for so many other little girls. Thank God for bringing you from under the rug.